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Ride the mountain your way & earn trophies as you go... like the TGIF trophy!

Ride on a Friday night TGIF session from 4-8pm to unlock this trophy... come on up after work & show us what you've got!

I don't know how to see the "My Stats" or "Trophy Case" pages!
  • The first step is to make sure you have a Cardrona profile. Go here to log in, sign up, or reset your password if you think you've been here before & already have a profile, but you're not sure what your password is.
  • Once you're logged in, your main profile page will load.
  • From here, hover over the "My Info" tab at the top of the page & click "My Stats" to see your stats for the seasons you've ridden at Cardrona, & "Trophy Case" to see the trophies you've already achieved, & the ones you still need to unlock.
  • See what you need to do to unlock the trophies, & get out there to start shredding!!
  1. Home
  2. Trophy case
  3. TGIF